Sunbeam in the Glasshouse - kuratiert für 701 e.V.
19.07.2011 bis 17.07.2011 / Ehemaliges Amerikanisches Generalkonsulat Düsseldorf / Cecilienallee 5 • Düsseldorf
Vernissage 18.07.2011, 19-12 Uhr
Featuring the works of:
Nicolai Crestianinov, Frauke Dannert, Luka Fineisen, Susanne Giring, Erika Hock, Johannes Jensen, Heike Kabisch, Katharina Kiebacher, Michael Koch, Maren Maurer, Martin Pfeifle, Heiko Räpple, Jana Schröder, Niels Sievers, Stefanie von Schroeter
Musical performance: Chiqueria (Nora Hansen & Her Big Band)
Performance: Congress (Magdalena Kita & Giulietta Ockenfuß)
Referees: Thomas Rieger, Markus Ambach, Karsten Weber, Jan Kämmerling, Hannes Norberg
The former American Consulate at Cecilienallee 5 was built according to the plans of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM), expanded in the late 1990s by ingenhoven architects and is today one of the architectural highlights of Düsseldorf. Ingenhoven architects placed this extraordinary piece of real estate at the disposal of the organisers for the exhibition Sunbeam in the Glasshouse. The positions invited by Julia Ritterskamp for the 701 e.V. grasp the building’s architecture in their works and consider the question of the relevance of the ideas of Modernism as well as the principles of the International Style in the face of the globalised world.
With friendly support of:
Aengevelt Immobilien, Berenberg-Bank, ingenhoven architects, WGZ Bank